Saturday, February 8, 2014



She is trapped
in a poet's song.

Her anxiety is horrid,
as another trashy ugly memoir
spreads through-out her

as if
her brain
was caught on fire
alight with flame
and blaze.

She is trapped
in a poet's song.

She lives in a dark fantasy
and keeps Earth
alive in a tea-cup.

She is trapped
in a poet's song.

Darkness fades into
fistfuls of anguish
the deepest of shadows
curtails the most darkest of flowers.

Joy is the ever elusive clown
who evades her.
She can never quite reach him
as he stands afar laughing.

                  And She is of Course,
                             trapped in a Poet's Song.
                                She does not fit in/nor does she belong
                                         in anything more or less
                                               than the smallest fragment
                                                       of a faded memory
                                                           of loneliness and sorrow.
Only more regrets
lasting for tomorrow
as she is under lock and key
trapped into this Poet's song
with me.