Monday, April 22, 2013

Moody Men

Moody Men,
are by far the worst kind-
to love, to deal with and to understand.
Even better, if you are married to one.
But i cannot complain too much-
I myself suffer from a major mood disorder.

I'm pretty certain, my moods are way worse,
than his even on a bad day,
no contest
i win the nutcase race.

however, it does not make,
it any more easier,
when your dealing
with the strong silent type.

He was all smiles earlier today.
Tonight he seemed slightly,
devastated, by one thing or another.
I didn't ask.
he didn't tell.

I know from previous experience-
trying to get him to open up,
is like prying up
an oyster shell with a plastic spoon.

it's simply not gonna happen,
and i cannot get him open-
his secrets are nailed shut and
my woman's intuition is
supposedly like my "spider sense"

all tingling,
as his wife-?I'm just expected,
to know, whats wrong
and whats gonna on,
like I'm some cutie with super
clairvoyance, some damned gypsy,
with amazing telepathy.

Like as a wife, i'm just supposed to know,
or ask? Or guess?
but i have played his game of 20 questions,
long enough to know better.
asking just makes him mad, but not asking makes him,
sad or even madder, what the hell to do?

He may have just been overly tired.
Maybe nothings the matter.
He always says i smoke too much-
it could be that.
often it is...still.

Moody men,
are so hard to handle.
Even harder to console,
how do you comfort an oyster,
hiding a pearl beneath a secret,
a secret called "feelings"

and how do you crack
apart an oyster,
with only a plastic spoon?

I'm being quite serious.
I did not marry an ape or some sort
of baboon.I married this quite
complex, very sensitive male,
who hides his feelings very well
beneath his skin-

yet i can tell by the look on his face,
something is totally amiss-
i can tell also by how he left me,
without my goodbye kiss.

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